Life Insurance for Small and Medium Enterprises

Tailored programs for Small and Medium Enterprises

SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) often struggle with top talent retention due to the lack of resources. Our SME policy provides extensive, affordable coverage and benefits tailored to the unique needs of small and medium-sized companies. By providing comprehensive coverage, the policy enhances loyalty, instills a sense of security, and fosters a supportive work environment that prioritizes employee welfare.

Policy perks and protection:

  • Insurance coverage for the insured employee in case of death due to any cause (God forbid).
  • Payment of double the insurance amount in case of death due to an accident (God forbid) to provide financial support for the employee’s family or beneficiaries in those critical times.
  • Insurance coverage for the insured employee in case of total and permanent disability resulting from sickness or an accident (God forbid) to alleviate the burden in such exceptional and difficult circumstances.