Core Activities

Individual Solutions

Don’t leave your future to chance

Life is full of uncertainties, and no circumstance is the same. QNB ALAHLI Life offers comprehensive savings and protection insurance policies to meet the unique needs of individuals like you. No matter which chapter of life you are going through, our dependable and personalized coverage helps you and your family cope through transitions and milestones.

Savings Plans

QNB ALAHLI Life savings plans combine protection coverage with intelligent investments to give you a holistic approach to financial security and future planning. Our product ensures you have the financial support and stability necessary to cope with unforeseen financial challenges during tough times. We calculate returns based on age, occupation, health, premium, and other factors to tailor a savings plan for your needs.

Protection Plans

QNB ALAHLI Life protection plans adequately safeguard you and your loved ones against life's uncertainties. We offer the reassurance that, even in the face of unexpected events, you and your family will have a reliable source of financial support for life continuity. Trust in our comprehensive coverage and let us be your partner in navigating life's unpredictable journey.

Corporate Solutions

Securing your company and your employee’s future, one policy at a time

We understand the unique challenges that businesses face in today's dynamic and ever-changing landscape. That's why we offer a range of corporate insurance solutions designed to protect you from unexpected risks. Whether you're a small startup or a multinational corporation, we have the expertise and experience to safeguard your best interests and the well-being of your employees.